Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Bouquet of Roses

Ladies, do you remember how you felt the first time someone sent you a bouquet of roses?  The gentleman who sent them thought very highly of you, and his gift made you feel very special and very loved, didn’t it?  You may have laughed or cried, but you certainly expressed joy at the beauty of the roses and the loving gesture of the one who sent them. 

Gentlemen, do you remember how you felt the first time you sent someone a bouquet of roses?  You loved that lady very much and hoped that this expression of your love would be pleasing to her and make her love you too.  You eagerly anticipated her response to your lovely gift. 

Do you enjoy looking at flowers or pictures of flowers?  Whether pictures, cut flowers bought from a florist or growing in your own garden, flowers are gifts from God.  He loves us very much, and he hopes we will appreciate his gifts and love him even more.  Just like a suitor who sends his loved ones flowers, God’s gift of fragrant flowers woos us to His side.  May we receive his gifts with joy, appreciation, and a desire to love him too.

Oh God, lover of my soul, open my eyes to the ways you woo me.  Whenever I see a fragrant flower, let me realize that this precious gift has come from You.  Let me respond with joy and gratitude to your countless gifts of love. 

Song of Songs 2:12-13 “Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land…. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.”

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