Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reflected Sunlight

A narrow shaft of morning light streams across the table. Right in its path sits a water bottle. As I write in my journal and turn the pages of my Bible, the water in the bottle shakes ever so slightly. The sunlight reflecting off and through that water dances on the table, bright white and fluid. Off the surface of the plastic bottle the light reflects back to me. Tiny water droplets near the bottle’s opening shimmer in the light.

This is how I want to reflect God’s light—bright, white, shimmering and fluid with the Holy Spirit.
II Corinthians 4:6 "For God who said, 'Let light shine out of the darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."


  1. And that's the kind of attitude I want to have--finding myself worshiping God and noticing the beauty of his creation all around me ... even on the shimmering droplets on my water bottle. Thanks, Nancy, for this beautiful challenge to be more like Christ. The image and challenge will stay with me throughout this day, my friend.

  2. Thanks for your kind response, Beth. I regret that I didn't capture this image on my camera. Perhaps the next sunny day....

  3. Beautiful image. I can see it in my mind's eye. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Dear Nancy
    That was a holy moment specially for you straight from our Pappa's hand. May we also glimmer for His glory when the Light for heaven shines on us!
    Blessings from Laura's.

    1. You are so right, Mia. That was a very special, holy moment that I cherish. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. What a beautiful illustration, Nancy. This is how I want to reflect the Light as well :)

    1. Wouldn't it be great if others could see our God glow all the time? Thanks, Laura, for visiting, commenting, and providing the Playdate.

  6. Hi Nancy, your site is full of such beautiful devotionals and photography! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog it meant so much!

    1. Kim, I had been writing my devotionals for a while before I felt God telling me not to hoard them on my computer, but to put them out there where they could do others some good. It was totally scary at first, so I understand your trepidation. Keep sharing your insights from God and He will provide the audience. :-) Thanks for the complement and thanks for stopping by!
