Monday, May 13, 2013


None of us likes to be interrupted.  From a young age, we tell our children, “Not now. I’m talking. It’s not polite to interrupt.” Children, of course, are persistent, tap, tap, tapping the parent’s shoulder until the child has Mom or Dad’s full attention. These interruptions try the parent’s patience, but eventually the child learns not to interrupt.

When Jesus walked on this earth, He was the master of interruptions. He saw society shunning the poor and the ill. He interrupted with compassion and healing. He saw people burdened by an oppressive Roman government. He interrupted their oppression with hope. He saw religious leaders consumed with the letter of the endless list of laws. He interrupted legalism with grace. He saw His people burdened with sin and hungry for righteousness. He interrupted their burdens by bearing them on the cross.

Even though Jesus, the man, doesn’t walk this earth today, Jesus, our Savior, continues to interrupt. He’s tapping on our shoulders, trying to get our attention. He wants us to see the needs of the poor, the ill, and the oppressed. He wants us to open our eyes to legalism, and the pressing need for grace. Tap, tap, tap. Will we allow our lives to be interrupted? How and when will we respond to His insistent tapping on our shoulders?

Luke 14:13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.



  1. Oo, you struck a nerve. I hate interruptions. But you put them in an entirely new light. Thank you. May I be more alert and discerning about *His* interruptions in the midst of all my preoccupations.

    1. May we all be more receptive to His interruptions. Thanks for stopping by, Sylvia.

  2. I've never thought of Jesus as doing the interrupting, but yes, he certainly did. And continues to. Thanks for this perspective, Nancy.

    1. Everything Jesus did was upside down, according to the world, wasn't it? Thanks for reading and commenting, Lisa.

  3. So true, Nancy. Thank you for sharing. As a planner, I so dislike interruptions. But if it weren't for them, I'd sometimes miss out on the important things in life. Blessings, Nancy

    1. Sometimes it's hard, isn't it, to make room for the ways Jesus interrupts our plans with His? Thanks for reading and commenting, Nancy.

  4. Lord, I pray you make my heart open to your divine interruptions.

  5. Laura, I love you simple, yet profound prayer. I wish I'd ended my post with it! Haha. Thanks for reading and commenting.
