There once was a woman who married, had children, worked hard to
provide a pleasant home for her family and raise her children in a loving
manner. She worked in her
church and did her best to serve her God in the ways she could. After her children matured, this woman
went to work and enjoyed meaningful labor. In short, she was very typical: She worked hard, enjoyed leisure time,
and honored God.
But deep down inside her was a secret: nestled within the folds of
her soul resided two tiny seeds: seeds
of doubt and faith. Even
she didn’t know those two seeds hid in her soul.
She went to church every Sunday, and she said her prayers. Her tiny seed of faith opened and grew
miniscule hair-like roots. She
joined a bible study, and a small shoot emerged, opening tiny, green
leaves. Her faith
grew. But before long her
life became so hectic she was unable to attend bible study, and she fell asleep
before saying her prayers. Life
didn’t seem to be the way it should, for a normal woman.
Soon the little seedling of faith withered and drooped. The seed of doubt opened and sent out
strong roots. The plant
grew tall and sprouted many green leaves. The woman grew restless and
discontented. Praying
became difficult. Doubt
grew strong and vigorous, a flourishing weed.
A few weeks later, she tried to pray to God. “God, where are you? Why can’t I pray to you?” Then God allowed her to see the weed
of doubt and the tiny seedling of faith struggling in its shadow.
“Oh God!” She
cried out. “Show me how to
eradicate the weed of doubt! How
can I get rid of it?”
“Keep praying and spending time with Me,” a still, small voice
seemed to say. But the weed
of doubt flourished and the tiny seedling of faith struggled to stay alive.
The next day she cried out to her God. “Father, make that weed wither up and
die! Cause the seedling to
grow and flourish.”
“Be patient, my child,” came the answer. “Even though you do not feel my
presence, I am here, and I love you.” The
tiny seedling of faith raised its leaves heavenward.
Father God, show me ways to nourish the seed of faith.
Proverbs 22:5 “In the paths of the wicked
lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them."