Great is Thy Faithfulness
The hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” keeps running through my head. Over and over I think of the “new mercies” God provides every morning, and I’m amazing at all the gifts His “hand hath provided.” What a wonderful God we serve.
This evening at 6:30 a van load of people from my church, including my husband, Scott, pulled out of our church parking lot headed for Matamoros, Mexico for a week long mission trip. I was supposed to be on that van with them. Unfortunately, I’m fighting a bug and am tired enough to know I would be of little service to them in Mexico. My service will be one of prayer. I can rest and pray. Envisioning them driving down the highway as the sun sets, I pray for clear vision on the road. Thinking of drivers’ eyes getting heavy with sleep, I pray. I pray with the full knowledge that God is, indeed faithful. He is faithful to bring our loved ones safely to their destination.
As I picture them arriving Saturday morning, weary from the all-night drive, I pray, claiming God’s faithfulness to His servants. He will provide them with energy for their tasks. When, in my mind’s eye I see the shining faces of Sophia, Antonio, Gilla, Rafaela, and other friends we met on last summer’s mission trip, I rejoice at God’s faithfulness to them, guiding and encouraging them in spite of difficult situations. I am so thankful He has brought our small group to join Him in his work in Matamoros. I pray that the work God intended for this group will be accomplished in His will.
Remembering our last trip to Matamoros, I see the eyes of the children, peering through the church windows, shining brightly as they played games, made crafts, heard stories, and sang songs. I thank God for His faithfulness to these young souls and I pray for their salvation. I pray they may live productive lives in service to their faithful God.
To my loved ones in Matamoros, both American and Mexican, may God give you great gifts as you minister. May He give you the courage to step forth in faithfulness. May He give you physical, emotional, and spiritual health and endurance. May you be a blessing to all you encounter, including the young men who visit the drug houses. May our faithful God protect you in all your travels, both in the car and in the church, neighborhood, the city and the mercado.
What a faithful God we serve. Thank you for stepping out in faith. Know that many loved ones back home are praying for you.
“The Lord’s compassions are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
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