the warmth of my blanket-laden bed I travel to the dried land. Yards
criss-crossed with cracks, lawns filled with brown, not green grass. Fields
with stunted crops starved for moisture. Plop, plop. In my mind’s eye I see
that thirsty land drinking each tiny droplet of life-giving moisture. Deep into
the earth the moisture soaks, traveling to roots below the surface, reaching
for water.
Only water can restore life to lawns gone dormant. Only water can change sickly-looking, yellowish green winter wheat into vibrant forest green. In my cozy bed I smile, imagining how the drops are slowly changing the landscape and allowing new plant life to flourish. Snuggling deep into my blankets, I drift back into a deep, restful sleep.
as the land cracks and crops wither in a drought, so our souls suffer
from spiritual drought. Too often, when our souls are parched, we look for a
flood; we look for a mountaintop experience to quench our souls’ thirst. But it
doesn’t take a flood. It doesn’t take a mountaintop experience. The drought is
broken one little droplet at a time.
God, let my soul be open to receive each tiny drop of spiritual moisture You
send. Send Your life-giving rain into my heart, drop by drop.
7:38 “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in
me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within