Everyone is familiar with the mobile cellular phone advertisement. The gentleman walks to various places, asking, “Can you hear me now?” What if God were asking the question, “Can you hear me now?” rather than the man in the commercial?
Your life is great. You work in a satisfying job, making a good salary. You own a nice home, a new car, and have beautiful, smart, well behaved children. You have close friends and a full social life. When life is just perfect, do you hear God asking the question: “Can you hear me now?”
Later your business is not doing well. You get the dreaded pink slip. You’ve had an argument with your best friend who no longer speaks with you. Your children think they know more than you and rebel. You and your spouse don’t communicate the way you used to. Nobody seems to understand how you feel. Can you hear God’s question: “Can you hear me now?”
Your unemployment has run out. You may lose your home. You have been ill and fear it may be something serious. You have to sell your car. Your life seems totally out of control. Can you hear God’s voice: “Can you hear me now?”
When times are tough we listen. When everything is going wrong and we have no out control, we finally turn to God for guidance. Then we ask Him for help. Then we listen for His voice.
Yes, Father, we can hear you now. It’s not the connection that’s bad. We often fail to listen. Help us to listen more.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.”
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